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SQLEditor 3.3.1 | Mac OS X | 57.75 MB.
Add tables and columns, indexes and foreign keys with the click of a mouse. See everything you created shown in front of you. You can zoom out to see an overview of the structure, closer to see the details, everything remains editable at all levels of zoom. The Inspector panel displays options specific editing of the object for each object type and can edit multiple objects simultaneously.
SQLEditor facilitates the design of databases
Add tables and columns, indexes and foreign keys with the click of a mouse. See everything you created shown in front of you. You can zoom out to see an overview of the structure, closer to see the details, everything remains editable at all levels of zoom. The Inspector panel displays options specific editing of the object for each object type and can edit multiple objects simultaneously.
Working with your existing database
SQLEditor matter, easily make changes and then update the database with the changes you have made. Use the sidebar differences to see the changes you made in the current session or compare with other file. SQLEditor can create a diagram from the SQL source files and databases live. You can also import and export files migration Ruby on Rails. SQLEditor records all uses instructions so you can see what changed and can preview the changes before exporting if you want to check first correction.
Presentation of your database
Once you have created your database, SQLEditor can help you present your work to your clients, customers or boss. You can export in PDF or PNG format for use in presentation programs and websites. Why not put a chart in your presentation to show how all the boards fit? Document creators can find a SQLEditor image is useful in explaining how the tables fit together or what objects linked together.

SQLEditor works with other tools
SQLEditor can create diagrams from fragments of SQL, tables can be pasted into SQLEditor, edit and copy it back in time. SQLEditor analyzes SQL that is in the clipboard and converts it into editable objects. You need to quickly create a table in a SQL client command line? Create it in SQLEditor and paste, simple! And it works the other way too, if you have any SQL you need to display.
Main databases
can export to the main database systems such as MySQL, SQLite, Postgres and Oracle. SQLEditor customizes the SQL produced to work with the dialect you want. SQLEditor also supports editing migration Ruby on Rails and schema files. We also have an experimental plugin Django.
Mac Os Spaces
Instead of the linear row of spaces provided by Mission Control, TotalSpaces2 lets you create a grid that you can navigate with keyboard shortcuts and gestures of the trackpad.
One of the most useful features of TotalSpaces2 is that it allows to assign certain applications to particular areas. This means that if you have a 3×3 grid, you can make sure your Twitter client is always in the upper left space and your email client is always in the center of the right.
Itw Space Bag Company
Switch from one application to another using the Command tab, by default displays the applications in the order in which they were most recently used. This means that your email client may require a different number of pressures tab every time you change it. By using TotalSpaces2 to assign it to a specific position on a grid, you can change it at will quickly and reliably.
TotalSpaces2 is especially useful in smaller screen devices such as the MacBook Air line. On larger screens can display two programs next to each other, however, on screens 13 “and smaller, things get very close if you try this.
With TotalSpaces2, you can ensure that the two programs you use regularly together as a browser for research and a text editor to write, are adjacent in the grid so you can quickly switch between them with a keyboard shortcut or a gesture.