Can%27t Open Xml File With Ms Word 2011

File converter/Documents/Convert to XML/DOC converter/ XML to DOC

  1. Can 27t Open Xml File With Ms Word 2011 Free
or drag and drop file

A DOCX file is a Microsoft Word Open XML Format Document file. Open with Word, Word Online, Google Docs, or some other word processor. Convert one to PDF, DOC, JPG, etc. With those same programs or a converter like FileZigZag. MS-DOCX: Word Extensions to the Office Open XML (.docx) File Format. 3/22/2021; 4 minutes to read; v; In this article. Specifies the Word Extensions to the Office Open XML File Format, which includes elements and attributes that extend the XML vocabulary for representing word processing documents as presented in the ISO/IEC-29500 specification. Open Windows File Explorer, navigate to the folder that contains the file, then right-click the file. Select Open With. Select Microsoft Word from the list of options.

Open the XML file in your new program. Many XML programs will set themselves as the default program for XML files, allowing you to simply double-click the XML file to open it. If you can't, right-click the XML file and select 'Open With.' Browse for your newly-installed program. First of all right click on the Word file and select “Rename” option; Rename the Word file along with extension to ZIP file format; You will find XML document in ZIP file. Open the XML file using notepad; In order to find which element is causing problem with your Word file, you have to format XML content using plug-in.

You can convert XML file to DOC as well as to variety of other formats with free online converter.

How to convert xml to doc?

How to convert doc to xml?
Step 1

Upload xml-file

Select xml file, which you want to convert, from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox or drag and drop it on the page.
Step 2

Convert xml to doc

Select doc or any other format, which you want to convert.
Step 3

Download your doc-file

Wait till your conversion process will be completed and click download converted doc file.

Online and free xml to doc converter

Fast and easy
Just drop your xml files on the page to convert doc or you can convert it to more than 250 different file formats without registration, giving an email or watermark.
Don't worry about security
We delete uploaded xml files instantly and converted doc files after 24 hours. All files transfer with secured an advanced level of SSL encryption.
All in the cloud
You don't need to install any software. All xml to doc conversions make in the cloud and don't use any resources of your computer.

Extensible Markup Language

File extension.xml
File categorydocuments
DescriptionXML is a file format that holds a markup language. Both humans and machines can access this file format. It is designed to store data. Here one can use languages independently and can set his tag. It is portable enough and has enough vendor independence, which has introduced this format as a user-friendly format and made this format very popular on the online platform. XML is essential, like HTML.
Technical detailsEvery XML file owns a root structure by which users can set their tags. Every single XML file begins with XML declaration. XML declaration has its version name and encoding of that specific file. After that, a base element called the root element is defined. The root element may have child elements. All tags have their ending tag. XML files may carry comments, entity references, and attributes. Applications can read the values and display the users want.
JAPISoft EditiX
MacroMates TextMate
DeveloperWorld Wide Web Consortium
MIME type

Microsoft Word Document

File extension.doc
File categorydocuments

DOC file extension is a binary file format native to Microsoft’s word processing application. It is basically a word processing document format that supports plain text, hyperlinks, alignments, images and more.

DOC was once Microsoft’s most popular word processing document format. However, its popularity has faded following the introduction of DOCX. Nonetheless, you can still use DOC to create, edit and save document files. DOC is also widely used in a variety of platforms. The coding and framework emphasizes on font, size, shape and color of the text.

Technical details

How to create and how to open an DOC file

Creating a DOC file requires a Microsoft application like Word. Simply launch the application, select “File” then “New” then “Blank Document” or create using a template. You can also create a DOC file on Google Documents. Many platforms support DOC files, so all you need to do is create a text file and save it or download it as a DOC file.

There are many ways to open a DOC file. It is supported by many platforms and programs, starting with Microsoft’s suite of applications like Word and WordPad. You can also open DOC files online using Microsoft OneDrive or use any other program that supports the extension. LibreOffice, WPS Office and OpenOffice writers all support DOC files, so you can use them to create, save and open files with the DOC extension.

Which other formats DOC can be converted into and why

You can convert DOC files to many different formats, depending on the program you are using. Some of the popular file formats DOC can be converted into include:

  1. 1. DOCX
  2. 2. PDF
  3. 3. JPEG
  4. 4. XPS

File conversion is invaluable when working with different programs and DOC converts to various formats that allow creators and everyday users to create, save, open and edit using a wide variety of applications. For instance, converting DOC to DOCX improves data management and recovery and extends the possibilities of the former binary files. On the other hand, converting to PDF offers secure data storage and makes paper-to-digital conversions easier.

DOC files are easy to convert. You can also get your file back by converting DOCX, PDF and other documents to DOC. It all depends on what you want to achieve and the program you are using. Some programs cannot export or save DOC files, so you need to convert the document to a compatible format before using it on the application.

Microsoft Word
IBM Lotus Symphony
Main programMicrosoft Word
MIME type


Firstly, select a xml file you want to convert or drag and drop it. Secondly, select doc or any other format you want to convert your file to. Then click convert and wait until your file is converted
Documents conversion usually takes a few seconds. You will convert xml to doc very quickly.
🛡️ Is it secure to convert xml to doc on OnlineConvertFree?
Sure! We delete your uploaded and converted files, so nobody has access to your information. All types of conversion on OnlineConvertFree (including xml to doc) is 100% safe.
📱 Can I convert xml to doc without software installation?
Absolutely! OnlineConvertFree doesn’t require installation. You can convert any files (including xml to doc) online on your computer or mobile.

xml converter



When Office 365 users try to open or view attachments in email messages in Outlook Web App, they experience the following symptoms:

  • In Office 365, the attachment isn't displayed in the message. Instead, a generic placeholder, such as '1 Attachment' is displayed, and this can't be opened.
  • When users try to view attachments in Office 365, they receive the following error message: Access to attachments has been blocked. Blocked attachments: <FileName>.


This issue occurs if the attachment is blocked by Outlook Web App. By default, Outlook Web App blocks attachments that have the following file name extensions:

vsmacros, msh2xml, msh1xml, ps2xml, ps1xml, mshxml, gadget, mhtml, psc2, psc1, msh2,msh1, aspx, xml, wsh, wsf, wsc, vsw, vst, vss, vbs, vbe, url, tmp, shs, shb, sct,scr, scf, reg, pst, ps2, ps1, prg, prf, plg, pif, pcd, ops, mst, msp, msi, msh,msc, mht, mdz, mdw, mdt, mde, mdb, mda, maw, mav, mau, mat, mas, mar, maq, mam,mag, maf, mad, lnk, ksh, jse, its, isp, ins, inf, htc, hta, hlp, fxp, exe, der,csh, crt, cpl, com, cmd, chm, cer, bat, bas, asx, asp, app, adp, ade, ws, vb, js


Change the Outlook Web App mailbox policy to include and exclude the file types that you want.

The following is an example of the Windows PowerShell commands to remove the .xml file type from the BlockedFileTypes and BlockedMimeTypes lists and add it to the AllowedFileTypes and AllowedMimeTypes lists:

Things to consider:

  • It may take several minutes before changes to the Outlook Web App policy take effect.
  • Be aware that by changing the Outlook Web App mailbox policy to include file types that are blocked by default, you may make your system more vulnerable to security threats.


Direct users to compress the files that they intend to send (for example, as a .zip file) and then send the compressed files as attachments.

More information

Can 27t Open Xml File With Ms Word 2011 Free

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