License Statistics lets you track FLEXlm, FLEXnet, LM-X License Manager, IBM LUM, Sentinel RMS to help you reduce your cost. It's a low-cost product which gives you html, graphs and usage reports to quickly track both current and monthly usage. It's. ...
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EzWeb License Key Generator (EzReg) provides a license key generator and customer management tool for your licensed HSP files. EzReg works with EzWeb content storage files to apply machine license keys so that the file cannot be read unless licensed, so you can lock down your content to only licensed machines.The download includes all of the Visual Basic source code for EzRegAdmin.
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[Project is currently suspended and no longer supported by SP extreme] Open License project goal is to develop a complete .NET License Manager. The purpose is to extend the built in License Manager functionality. Open License is being written in. ...
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- Windows
PHP License Admin is a simple PHP script intended to help small to medium size organizations better manage their software PHP License Admin is a simple PHP script intended to help small to medium size organizations better manage their software licenses..
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This package will allow people to check, change, update the license of their projects. It will conform to all new licenses available..
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- Windows
ISO18013 Electronic Driving License Java reference implementation. The project implements the host API for reading out ISO compliant electronic driving licenses and a Java Card applet that implements the standard on a smart card.
- Wojciech Mostowski
- Freeware (Free)
- 3.85 Mb
- Windows
This is a free and open source java library to generate license for your application. Use this library to make your custom license file with your own extension. It encrypts the license file with the one time pads encryption technique to make it hard ...
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- Ibrahim Awad
- Freeware (Free)
- 29 Kb
- Windows
lGen is a simple but powerful system to manage and track digital assets released under a variety of different software licenses for example GNU General Public License & Creative Commons.
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- i-netmedia
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- Windows
Manage enterprise licenses across company. Track Informix, Oracle, etc, monitor expiration dates, usage compliance, costs. Automated monitoring of license volume on each server, show when approaching out of compliance.
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- Brad Blake
- Freeware (Free)
- Windows
Manage a complex inventory of servers, applications and licenses. Group your applications for better control, generate reports and export licenses easily, generate statistical graphics and use behavior, fuel consumption per user license, and more.
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- Kevin Angulo
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- Windows
hi i am studying now computer engineering 7 th semester. i would like to make project edriving license management system please help me.
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- Windows
Manage for all products from one location: SharePoint Central Administration. Manage licenses for all SharePointBoost products from one location: SharePoint Central Administration;Quickly and easily locate your Server Code, Farm ID or Site Collection ID;Check the status and version number for any SPB product;Check the status and expiration date for SPB Premium Annual Support (if applicable).The SharePointBoost License Management Center provides one centralized interface to manage licenses for all SPB products from .
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